Bulletproof and stab-resistant vest Engarde® Rhino™ black NIJ-3A (04) MT-PRO + 2 x NIJ-4+ Stand Alone with Molle webbing and PRESS patch.
Rhino™ bulletproof vest with PRESS patches and extra protection against Russian sniper rifles.
Contains a soft bulletproof package NIJ-3A(04) MT-PRO that protects the side of the chest against bullets and grenade or mortar fragments and two NIJ-4+ Stand Alone hard bulletproof plates that are certified against NATO caliber 7.62x63 mm M2 AP (30-06) and the Russian caliber 7.62x54R LPS MSC used in the Russian sniper rifle Dragunov and PKM MG with belt feeding.
The choice to use NIJ-4 Stand Alone plates offers a number of practical advantages, including that Stand Alone plates can always be used and in any plate carrier, for example during the summer. A Stand Alone plate also offers some extra safety. Although the .30 AP (7.62mm) bullets are contained in the Stand Alone plate, the soft bulletproof package NIJ-3A behind it offers extra safety. First of all, one remains combat-ready for longer even in the event of a hit on the NIJ-4+ Stand Alone plate and there is always a soft bulletproof vest NIJ-3A left behind that can absorb any fragments from multiple impacts.
The front of the Rhino™ body armor has a MOLLE webbing platform with ID tag attachments on the front and back on which a PRESS patch is adhered. The Rhino™ PRESS bullet and stab resistant vest is suitable for both women and men and contains two internal pockets, each with a hard bulletproof plate NIJ-4+ Stand Alone in it. Easily adjustable and customizable for a good fit.
The stab-resistant and bullet-resistant MT-PRO package meets the strict standards of NIJ .04 Level IIIA, but the bullet-stopping capabilities of the MT-PRO were also further tested against the different types of current ammunition!
Official certified tests:
9MM 9x19 DM41SR RUAG
9 MM 9×19 QD PEP II/s MEN (Special Police Ammunition)
9 MM 9 x 19 ACTION 4 RUAG (special police ammunition)
7.62x25mm Tokarev FMJ S&B
The MT PRO panel provides both superior ballistic performance against gunshot wounds and protection against stab wounds.
The MT-PRO stops the HOSDB P1 blade at 15 Joules (<20 mm) and is anti-injection at 5 Joules, according to VPAM KDIW 2004.
For protection against war guns, this Rhino is equipped with two hard ballistic plates NIJ-4+ Stand Alone of 250x300 mm. These are located along the front of the chest and along the back of the back. With NIJ-4 Stand Alone plates, the steel core ball is completely absorbed by the NIJ-4 Stand Alone plate upon impact. The steel core ball remains in the Stand Alone plate and does not cause trauma injury upon impact with a bullet. This protective combination is capable of stopping steel core bullets from the Kalashnikov, Fal and M16 assault rifles. This bulletproof combination is also capable of stopping a mild steel core bullet from a Russian Dragunov SVD sniper rifle.
Hard bulletproof plate Level NIJ-0101.04 III and NIJ-IV+ Stand Alone from Sioen
Contains two hard bulletproof plates Level NIJ-IV+ Stand Alone
Stops armor piercing bullets (AP)
Double curved.
Standard dimensions: 23x250x300 mm.
Weight: 2.75 kg per plate.
- NIJ0101.04, level III: 6 shots (7.62x51 NATO Projectile at 847m/sec)
- NIJ0101.04, level IV : 1 shot 7.62x63 mm M2 AP (30-06) bullet at 878 m/sec
(NATO sniper rifles and tape fed machine guns)
- NIJ0101.04, level IV+: 3 shot 7.62x54R LPS MSC bullet at 870 m/sec
(Russian sniper rifle Dragunov and PKM MG with tape feeding)
- 7.62x39mm AP (AK 47)
- 5.56x45mm AP (M16)
- 5.45x39mm AP (AK 74)
Sizes XS to 5XL

- Dit product is enkel maar leverbaar naar een adres in België, Nederland of Luxemburg en kan niet naar andere landen verzonden worden.
- This product is only available to an address in Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg and cannot be shipped to other countries.
- Ce produit est uniquement disponible à une adresse en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas ou au Luxembourg et ne peut pas être expédié vers d'autres pays.
- Dieses Produkt ist nur an eine Adresse in Belgien, den Niederlanden oder Luxemburg erhältlich und kann nicht in andere Länder versendet werden.