Niveau KR1-SP1. The fluorescent and high visible Steward outer cover (carrier) was developed specifically for the emergency services with the goal to wear unobtrusive a stab proof vest discrete. The long Fluo outer cover has the impression of a normal known rain jacket and is totally not challenging for the public. In the long outer cover there is a discreet Fluo vest that can be provided with a standard protective package of your choice. In this case the Fluo stab-resistant vest is provided with a package KR1-SP1.
In the Fluo stab proof vest stand the KR1 for a resistance against attacks with knives. The stab resistance KR1 is bases on the English HOSDB norms in which a special designed knife point is used to replicate the braod spectrum of knife assaults on police officers. This protection is bassed on an knife assault with an energy of 24 joule, in which the point of the kife may not penetrate more then 7 mm through the vest and with an energy of 36 joule, the point may not deeper penetrate then 20 mm. This is a realistic protection against attacks with pocket knives and daggers. These are for rail and bus staff the most feared threats.
The SP1 represents a barrier against attacks from spikes. Spikes are completely different then knives because they have a very small contact surface and have been very difficult to stop. The spike resistance SP1 is also based on the English HOSDB norms in which a specail spike point is used to replicate the broad spectrum of spike assault on police officers un UK prisons. This protection is bassed on an spike assault with an energy of 24 joule, in which the point of the spike may not penetrate more then 7 mm through the vest and with an energy of 36 joule, the point may not deeper penetrate then 20 mm. Under attack with spikes means polished nails, gruel needles, sharpened screwdrivers, etc. ..
from XS to 3XL